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Fitbit Sleep Intraday

Sensor parameters description for [FITBIT_SLEEP_INTRADAY]:

Key                              Description
[CONTAINER] Container where your sleep intraday data is stored, depending on the data stream you are using this can be a database table, a CSV file, etc.

RAPIDS provider

Understanding RAPIDS features

This diagram will help you understand how sleep episodes are chunked and grouped within time segments for the RAPIDS provider.

Available time segments

  • Available for all time segments

File Sequence

- data/raw/{pid}/fitbit_sleep_intraday_raw.csv
- data/raw/{pid}/fitbit_sleep_intraday_with_datetime.csv
- data/interim/{pid}/fitbit_sleep_intraday_episodes.csv
- data/interim/{pid}/fitbit_sleep_intraday_episodes_resampled.csv
- data/interim/{pid}/fitbit_sleep_intraday_episodes_resampled_with_datetime.csv
- data/interim/{pid}/fitbit_sleep_intraday_features/fitbit_sleep_intraday_{language}_{provider_key}.csv
- data/processed/features/{pid}/fitbit_sleep_intraday.csv

Parameters description for [FITBIT_SLEEP_INTRADAY][PROVIDERS][RAPIDS]:

Key                              Description
[COMPUTE] Set to True to extract FITBIT_SLEEP_INTRADAY features from the RAPIDS provider
[FEATURES] Features to be computed from sleep intraday data, see table below
[SLEEP_LEVELS] Fitbit’s sleep API Version 1 only provides CLASSIC records. However, Version 1.2 provides 2 types of records: CLASSIC and STAGES. STAGES is only available in devices with a heart rate sensor and even those devices will fail to report it if the battery is low or the device is not tight enough. While CLASSIC contains 3 sleep levels (awake, restless, and asleep), STAGES contains 4 sleep levels (wake, deep, light, rem). To make it consistent, RAPIDS groups them into 2 UNIFIED sleep levels: awake (CLASSIC: awake and restless; STAGES: wake) and asleep (CLASSIC: asleep; STAGES: deep, light, and rem). In this section, there is a boolean flag named INCLUDE_ALL_GROUPS that if set to TRUE, computes LEVELS_AND_TYPES features grouping all levels together in a single all category.
[SLEEP_TYPES] Types of sleep to be included in the feature extraction computation. There are three sleep types: main, nap, and all. The all type means both main sleep and naps are considered.


Feature                                           Units Description
countepisode[LEVEL][TYPE] episodes Number of [LEVEL][TYPE]sleep episodes. [LEVEL]is one of [SLEEP_LEVELS] (e.g. awake-classic or rem-stages) and [TYPE] is one of [SLEEP_TYPES] (e.g. main). [LEVEL] can also be all when INCLUDE_ALL_GROUPS is True, which ignores the levels and groups by sleep types.
sumduration[LEVEL][TYPE] minutes Total duration of all [LEVEL][TYPE]sleep episodes. [LEVEL]is one of [SLEEP_LEVELS] (e.g. awake-classic or rem-stages) and [TYPE] is one of [SLEEP_TYPES] (e.g. main). [LEVEL] can also be all when INCLUDE_ALL_GROUPS is True, which ignores the levels and groups by sleep types.
maxduration[LEVEL][TYPE] minutes Longest duration of any [LEVEL][TYPE]sleep episode. [LEVEL]is one of [SLEEP_LEVELS] (e.g. awake-classic or rem-stages) and [TYPE] is one of [SLEEP_TYPES] (e.g. main). [LEVEL] can also be all when INCLUDE_ALL_GROUPS is True, which ignores the levels and groups by sleep types.
minduration[LEVEL][TYPE] minutes Shortest duration of any [LEVEL][TYPE]sleep episode. [LEVEL]is one of [SLEEP_LEVELS] (e.g. awake-classic or rem-stages) and [TYPE] is one of [SLEEP_TYPES] (e.g. main). [LEVEL] can also be all when INCLUDE_ALL_GROUPS is True, which ignores the levels and groups by sleep types.
avgduration[LEVEL][TYPE] minutes Average duration of all [LEVEL][TYPE]sleep episodes. [LEVEL]is one of [SLEEP_LEVELS] (e.g. awake-classic or rem-stages) and [TYPE] is one of [SLEEP_TYPES] (e.g. main). [LEVEL] can also be all when INCLUDE_ALL_GROUPS is True, which ignores the levels and groups by sleep types.
medianduration[LEVEL][TYPE] minutes Median duration of all [LEVEL][TYPE]sleep episodes. [LEVEL]is one of [SLEEP_LEVELS] (e.g. awake-classic or rem-stages) and [TYPE] is one of [SLEEP_TYPES] (e.g. main). [LEVEL] can also be all when INCLUDE_ALL_GROUPS is True, which ignores the levels and groups by sleep types.
stdduration[LEVEL][TYPE] minutes Standard deviation duration of all [LEVEL][TYPE]sleep episodes. [LEVEL]is one of [SLEEP_LEVELS] (e.g. awake-classic or rem-stages) and [TYPE] is one of [SLEEP_TYPES] (e.g. main). [LEVEL] can also be all when INCLUDE_ALL_GROUPS is True, which ignores the levels and groups by sleep types.


Feature                            Units Description
ratiocount[LEVEL] - Ratio between the count of episodes of a single sleep [LEVEL] and the count of all episodes of all levels during both main and nap sleep types. This answers the question: what percentage of all wake, deep, light, and rem episodes were rem? (e.g., \(countepisode[remstages][all] / countepisode[all][all]\))
ratioduration[LEVEL] - Ratio between the duration of episodes of a single sleep [LEVEL] and the duration of all episodes of all levels during both main and nap sleep types. This answers the question: what percentage of all wake, deep, light, and rem time was rem? (e.g., \(sumduration[remstages][all] / sumduration[all][all]\))


Feature                            Units Description
ratiocountmain - Ratio between the count of all main episodes (independently of the levels inside) divided by the count of all main and nap episodes. This answers the question: what percentage of all sleep episodes (main and nap) were main? We do not provide the ratio for nap because is complementary. (\(countepisode[all][main] / countepisode[all][all]\))
ratiodurationmain - Ratio between the duration of all main episodes (independently of the levels inside) divided by the duration of all main and nap episodes. This answers the question: what percentage of all sleep time (main and nap) was main? We do not provide the ratio for nap because is complementary. (\(sumduration[all][main] / sumduration[all][all]\))


Feature                            Units Description
ratiocountmainwithin[LEVEL] - Ratio between the count of episodes of a single sleep [LEVEL] during main sleep divided by the count of episodes of a single sleep [LEVEL] during main and nap. This answers the question: are rem episodes more frequent during main than nap sleep? We do not provide the ratio for nap because is complementary. (\(countepisode[remstages][main] / countepisode[remstages][all]\))
ratiodurationmainwithin[LEVEL] - Ratio between the duration of episodes of a single sleep [LEVEL] during main sleep divided by the duration of episodes of a single sleep [LEVEL] during main and nap. This answers the question: is rem time more frequent during main than nap sleep? We do not provide the ratio for nap because is complementary. (\(countepisode[remstages][main] / countepisode[remstages][all]\))


Feature                                                    Units Description
ratiocount[LEVEL]within[TYPE] - Ratio between the count of episodes of a single sleep [LEVEL] and the count of all episodes of all levels during either main or nap sleep types. This answers the question: what percentage of all wake, deep, light, and rem episodes were rem during main/nap sleep time? (e.g., \(countepisode[remstages][main] / countepisode[all][main]\))
ratioduration[LEVEL]within[TYPE] - Ratio between the duration of episodes of a single sleep [LEVEL] and the duration of all episodes of all levels during either main or nap sleep types. This answers the question: what percentage of all wake, deep, light, and rem time was rem during main/nap sleep time? (e.g., \(sumduration[remstages][main] / sumduration[all][main]\))


  1. This diagram will help you understand how sleep episodes are chunked and grouped within time segments for the RAPIDS provider.
  2. Features listed in [LEVELS_AND_TYPES] are computed for any levels and types listed in [SLEEP_LEVELS] or [SLEEP_TYPES]. For example if STAGES only contains [rem, light] you will not get countepisode[wake|deep][TYPE] or sum, max, min, avg, median, or std duration. Levels or types in these lists do not influence RATIOS or ROUTINE features.
  3. Any [LEVEL] grouping is done within the elements of each class CLASSIC, STAGES, and UNIFIED. That is, we never combine CLASSIC or STAGES types to compute features.
  4. The categories for all levels (when INCLUDE_ALL_GROUPS is True) and all SLEEP_TYPES are not considered for RATIOS features as they are always 1.
  5. These features can be computed in time segments of any length, but only the 1-minute sleep chunks within each segment instance will be used.

PRICE provider

Understanding PRICE features

This diagram will help you understand how sleep episodes are chunked and grouped within time segments and LNE-LNE intervals for the PRICE provider.

Available time segments

  • Available for any time segments larger or equal to one day

File Sequence

- data/raw/{pid}/fitbit_sleep_intraday_raw.csv
- data/raw/{pid}/fitbit_sleep_intraday_parsed.csv
- data/interim/{pid}/fitbit_sleep_intraday_episodes_resampled.csv
- data/interim/{pid}/fitbit_sleep_intraday_episodes_resampled_with_datetime.csv
- data/interim/{pid}/fitbit_sleep_intraday_features/fitbit_sleep_intraday_{language}_{provider_key}.csv
- data/processed/features/{pid}/fitbit_sleep_intraday.csv

Parameters description for [FITBIT_SLEEP_INTRADAY][PROVIDERS][PRICE]:

Key                                                                  Description
[COMPUTE] Set to True to extract FITBIT_SLEEP_INTRADAY features from the PRICE provider
[FEATURES] Features to be computed from sleep intraday data, see table below
[SLEEP_LEVELS] Fitbit’s sleep API Version 1 only provides CLASSIC records. However, Version 1.2 provides 2 types of records: CLASSIC and STAGES. STAGES is only available in devices with a heart rate sensor and even those devices will fail to report it if the battery is low or the device is not tight enough. While CLASSIC contains 3 sleep levels (awake, restless, and asleep), STAGES contains 4 sleep levels (wake, deep, light, rem). To make it consistent, RAPIDS groups them into 2 UNIFIED sleep levels: awake (CLASSIC: awake and restless; STAGES: wake) and asleep (CLASSIC: asleep; STAGES: deep, light, and rem). In this section, there is a boolean flag named INCLUDE_ALL_GROUPS that if set to TRUE, computes avgdurationallmain[DAY_TYPE] features grouping all levels together in a single all category.
[DAY_TYPE] The features of this provider can be computed using daily averages/standard deviations that were extracted on WEEKEND days only, WEEK days only, or ALL days
[LAST_NIGHT_END] Only main sleep episodes that start within the LNE-LNE interval [LAST_NIGHT_END, LAST_NIGHT_END + 23H 59M 59S] are taken into account to compute the features described below. [LAST_NIGHT_END] is a number ranging from 0 (midnight) to 1439 (23:59).


Feature                                                             Units Description
avgduration[LEVEL]main[DAY_TYPE] minutes Average duration of daily sleep chunks of a LEVEL. Use the DAY_TYPE flag to include daily durations from weekend days only, weekdays, or both. Use [LEVEL] to group all levels in a single all category.
avgratioduration[LEVEL]withinmain[DAY_TYPE] - Average of the daily ratio between the duration of sleep chunks of a LEVEL and total duration of all main sleep episodes in a day. When INCLUDE_ALL_GROUPS is True the all LEVEL is ignored since this feature is always 1. Use the DAY_TYPE flag to include start times from weekend days only, weekdays, or both.
avgstarttimeofepisodemain[DAY_TYPE] minutes Average of all start times of the first main sleep episode within each LNE-LNE interval in a time segment. Use the DAY_TYPE flag to include start times from LNE-LNE intervals that start on weekend days only, weekdays, or both.
avgendtimeofepisodemain[DAY_TYPE] minutes Average of all end times of the last main sleep episode within each LNE-LNE interval in a time segment. Use the DAY_TYPE flag to include end times from LNE-LNE intervals that start on weekend days only, weekdays, or both.
avgmidpointofepisodemain[DAY_TYPE] minutes Average of all the differences between avgendtime... and avgstarttime.. in a time segment. Use the DAY_TYPE flag to include end times from LNE-LNE intervals that start on weekend days only, weekdays, or both.
stdstarttimeofepisodemain[DAY_TYPE] minutes Standard deviation of all start times of the first main sleep episode within each LNE-LNE interval in a time segment. Use the DAY_TYPE flag to include start times from LNE-LNE intervals that start on weekend days only, weekdays, or both.
stdendtimeofepisodemain[DAY_TYPE] minutes Standard deviation of all end times of the last main sleep episode within each LNE-LNE interval in a time segment. Use the DAY_TYPE flag to include end times from LNE-LNE intervals that start on weekend days only, weekdays, or both.
stdmidpointofepisodemain[DAY_TYPE] minutes Standard deviation of all the differences between avgendtime... and avgstarttime.. in a time segment. Use the DAY_TYPE flag to include end times from LNE-LNE intervals that start on weekend days only, weekdays, or both.
socialjetlag minutes Difference in minutes between the avgmidpointofepisodemain of weekends and weekdays that belong to each time segment instance. If your time segment does not contain at least one week day and one weekend day this feature will be NA.
rmssdmeanstarttimeofepisodemain minutes Square root of the mean squared successive difference (RMSSD) between today’s and yesterday’s starttimeofepisodemain values across the entire participant’s sleep data grouped per time segment instance. It represents the mean of how someone’s starttimeofepisodemain (bedtime) changed from night to night.
rmssdmeanendtimeofepisodemain minutes Square root of the mean squared successive difference (RMSSD) between today’s and yesterday’s endtimeofepisodemain values across the entire participant’s sleep data grouped per time segment instance. It represents the mean of how someone’s endtimeofepisodemain (wake time) changed from night to night.
rmssdmeanmidpointofepisodemain minutes Square root of the mean squared successive difference (RMSSD) between today’s and yesterday’s midpointofepisodemain values across the entire participant’s sleep data grouped per time segment instance. It represents the mean of how someone’s midpointofepisodemain (mid time between bedtime and wake time) changed from night to night.
rmssdmedianstarttimeofepisodemain minutes Square root of the median squared successive difference (RMSSD) between today’s and yesterday’s starttimeofepisodemain values across the entire participant’s sleep data grouped per time segment instance. It represents the median of how someone’s starttimeofepisodemain (bedtime) changed from night to night.
rmssdmedianendtimeofepisodemain minutes Square root of the median squared successive difference (RMSSD) between today’s and yesterday’s endtimeofepisodemain values across the entire participant’s sleep data grouped per time segment instance. It represents the median of how someone’s endtimeofepisodemain (wake time) changed from night to night.
rmssdmedianmidpointofepisodemain minutes Square root of the median squared successive difference (RMSSD) between today’s and yesterday’s midpointofepisodemain values across the entire participant’s sleep data grouped per time segment instance. It represents the median of how someone’s midpointofepisodemain (average mid time between bedtime and wake time) changed from night to night.


  1. This diagram will help you understand how sleep episodes are chunked and grouped within time segments and LNE-LNE intervals for the PRICE provider.
  2. We recommend you use periodic segments that start in the morning so RAPIDS can chunk and group sleep episodes overnight. Shifted segments (as any other segments) are labelled based on their start and end date times.
  3. avgstarttime... and avgendtime... are roughly equivalent to an average bed and awake time only if you are using shifted segments.
  4. The features of this provider are only available on time segments that are longer than 24 hours because they are based on descriptive statistics computed across daily values.
  5. Even though Fitbit provides 2 types of sleep episodes (main and nap), only main sleep episodes are considered.
  6. The reference point for all times is 00:00 of the first day in the LNE-LNE interval.
  7. Sleep episodes are formed by 1-minute chunks that we group overnight starting from today’s LNE and ending on tomorrow’s LNE or the end of that segment (whatever is first).
  8. The features avgstarttime... and avgendtime... are the average of the first and last sleep episode across every LNE-LNE interval within a segment (avgmidtime... is the mid point between start and end). Therefore, only segments longer than 24hrs will be averaged across more than one LNE-LNE interval.
  9. socialjetlag is only available on segment instances equal or longer than 48hrs that contain at least one weekday day and one weekend day, for example seven-day (weekly) segments.
