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Fitbit Heart Rate Intraday

Sensor parameters description for [FITBIT_HEARTRATE_INTRADAY]:

Key                              Description
[CONTAINER] Container where your heart rate intraday data is stored, depending on the data stream you are using this can be a database table, a CSV file, etc.

RAPIDS provider

Available time segments

  • Available for all time segments

File Sequence

- data/raw/{pid}/fitbit_heartrate_intraday_raw.csv
- data/raw/{pid}/fitbit_heartrate_intraday_with_datetime.csv
- data/interim/{pid}/fitbit_heartrate_intraday_features/fitbit_heartrate_intraday_{language}_{provider_key}.csv
- data/processed/features/{pid}/fitbit_heartrate_intraday.csv


Key                              Description
[COMPUTE] Set to True to extract FITBIT_HEARTRATE_INTRADAY features from the RAPIDS provider
[FEATURES] Features to be computed from heart rate intraday data, see table below


Feature Units Description
maxhr beats/mins The maximum heart rate during a time segment.
minhr beats/mins The minimum heart rate during a time segment.
avghr beats/mins The average heart rate during a time segment.
medianhr beats/mins The median of heart rate during a time segment.
modehr beats/mins The mode of heart rate during a time segment.
stdhr beats/mins The standard deviation of heart rate during a time segment.
diffmaxmodehr beats/mins The difference between the maximum and mode heart rate during a time segment.
diffminmodehr beats/mins The difference between the mode and minimum heart rate during a time segment.
entropyhr nats Shannon’s entropy measurement based on heart rate during a time segment.
minutesonZONE minutes Number of minutes the user’s heart rate fell within each heartrate_zone during a time segment.


  1. There are four heart rate zones (ZONE): outofrange, fatburn, cardio, and peak. Please refer to Fitbit documentation for more information about the way they are computed.
