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Behavioral Features Introduction

A behavioral feature is a metric computed from raw sensor data quantifying the behavior of a participant. For example, the time spent at home computed based on location data. These are also known as digital biomarkers.

RAPIDS’ config.yaml has a section for each supported device/sensor (e.g., PHONE_ACCELEROMETER, FITBIT_STEPS, EMPATICA_HEARTRATE). These sections follow a similar structure, and they can have one or more feature PROVIDERS, that compute one or more behavioral features. You will modify the parameters of these PROVIDERS to obtain features from different mobile sensors. We’ll use PHONE_ACCELEROMETER as an example to explain this further.


  • We recommend reading this page if you are using RAPIDS for the first time
  • All computed sensor features are stored under /data/processed/features on files per sensor, per participant and per study (all participants).
  • Every time you change any sensor parameters, provider parameters or provider features, all the necessary files will be updated as soon as you execute RAPIDS.
  • In short, to extract features offered by a provider, you need to set its [COMPUTE] flag to TRUE, configure any of its parameters, and execute RAPIDS.

Explaining the config.yaml sensor sections with an example

Each sensor section follows the same structure. Click on the numbered markers to know more.


    CONTAINER: accelerometer # 

            COMPUTE: False # 
            FEATURES: ["maxmagnitude", "minmagnitude", "avgmagnitude", "medianmagnitude", "stdmagnitude"]

            SRC_SCRIPT: src/features/phone_accelerometer/rapids/

            COMPUTE: False
            VALID_SENSED_MINUTES: False
            FEATURES: # 
                exertional_activity_episode: ["sumduration", "maxduration", "minduration", "avgduration", "medianduration", "stdduration"]
                nonexertional_activity_episode: ["sumduration", "maxduration", "minduration", "avgduration", "medianduration", "stdduration"]

            SRC_SCRIPT: src/features/phone_accelerometer/panda/

These are the descriptions of each marker for accessibility:

  1. Sensor section

    Each sensor (accelerometer, screen, etc.) of every supported device (smartphone, Fitbit, etc.) has a section in the config.yaml with parameters and feature PROVIDERS.

  2. Sensor Parameters.

    Each sensor section has one or more parameters. These are parameters that affect different aspects of how the raw data is pulled, and processed.

    The CONTAINER parameter exists for every sensor, but some sensors will have extra parameters like [PHONE_LOCATIONS].

    We explain these parameters in a table at the top of each sensor documentation page.

  3. Sensor Providers

    Each object in this list represents a feature PROVIDER. Each sensor can have zero, one, or more providers.

    A PROVIDER is a script that creates behavioral features for a specific sensor. Providers are created by the core RAPIDS team or by the community, which are named after its first author like [PHONE_LOCATIONS][DORYAB].

    In this example, there are two accelerometer feature providers RAPIDS and PANDA.

  4. PROVIDER Parameters

    Each PROVIDER has parameters that affect the computation of the behavioral features it offers.

    These parameters include at least a [COMPUTE] flag that you switch to True to extract a provider’s behavioral features.

    We explain every provider’s parameter in a table under the Parameters description heading on each provider documentation page.

  5. PROVIDER Features

    Each PROVIDER offers a set of behavioral features.

    These features are grouped in an array for some providers, like those for RAPIDS provider. For others, they are grouped in a collection of arrays, like those for PANDAS provider.

    In either case, you can delete the features you are not interested in, and they will not be included in the sensor’s output feature file.

    We explain each behavioral feature in a table under the Features description heading on each provider documentation page.

  6. PROVIDER script

    Each PROVIDER has a SRC_SCRIPT that points to the script implementing its behavioral features.

    It has to be a relative path from RAPIDS’ root folder and the script’s parent folder should be named after the provider, e.g. panda.